23 November 2004

Things to do

Some things to lobby for, to promote effective government:

Problem: Representation in the electoral system is not fair.
Problem: the policitcal incentive; those attracted to the electoral system are of a certain type, not generally philanthropists; political power attracts those who desire power.
  • Limited number of terms in office.
  • Limited salaries and pensions.
  • Ultimately: Lottery elections.
Problem: Regulation of environment, securities, etc is expensive and ineffective.
  • How: Reward whistleblowers, and competing companies for providing evidence of breach of regulations.
Problem: Lobbying is private.
  • How: Publish all lobbying.
Problem: The expensive of litigating against large corporations prohibits Rule of Law.
  • How: Equalization payments for extraordinarily one-sided litigation. Eg. when you sue a large corporation for having wronged you, if there is a plausible case, then remedy should not be denied because you cannot afford to litigate.


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