25 October 2004

The beginning of a rant

I often wonder how the institutions of education interfere with the capacity to learn. I've become a big fan of the wikipedia. It seems to provide endless collaborative information. I often wonder of the forces that would seek to limit such information, and the limits that such freedom can be made to a masses with conflicting goals.

For example, how useful is it to know how to make napalm, or nuclear weapons. The institutions of modern society, in particular those of capitalism, fascism, and representative democracy, are vehemently opposed to the dissemination of information that undermine their control over society. I suspect their opposition comes not out of altruism, but out of a reverence for control. A modern priesthood.

I guess this will be a theme of my blog: criticism of right-wing capitalistic theory, that control of information, among other things, is inherent to western society. Critical though I may be, bear in mind that the institutions of wealth in modern western society are very successful, and have led to great wealth creation and dispersion. Only in modern times, however, has the capacity of information creation and access become so prevalent has it begun to threaten the sophisticated forces of knowledge prevention (ie. marketing).


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